- 医保 medical insurance
- 医改 medical reform
- (=group(muscle)) 肌群,肌组 gp.
- (=muscle stimulation) 肌肉刺激 M stim.
- Two-Path算法 Two-Path algorithm
- 讳疾忌医 conceal one's faults for fear of criticism
- Two-step协议 Two-Step scheme
- 医者 doctor
- 博士后研究员,获欧洲信息学与数学研究联盟MUSCLE博士后奖学金。 Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the MUSCLE Internal Fellowship from European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.
- two π counter 二π计数管
- 学医 study medicine
- (=every two hours) 每二小时 Q2'
- 病急乱投医 turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill - try anything when in a desperate situation
- twos complement 二的补码
- 女医 woman physician
- 关于two的用法见five词条中的示例 For the use of two see the examples at five
- two-dimensional δfunction 二维δ函数
- 医神 Aesculapius
- twos complement number 二的补码数
- 她打算学医。 The destination of her study is medicine.